Garden & Landscape
Gardeners and private customers, applications in the private sector
As a landscaper or private customer, you are looking for concepts and products that are easy to work with. With our specially developed mortars for landscaping, we provide you with exactly that! The result is a long-lasting and highly attractive paving or slabbed surface.
In our current brochure you will find important information as well as illustrations to help you with the execution. Depending on the use and load of the surface, you will find here the different layers of the structure to work with our products.
We are aware that every project nevertheless has its own requirements. We provide you with comprehensible technical support for the application of our products and are happy to share our many years of experience with you. We are always available to answer your project-specific questions.
Use categories
Depending on the load on the area, ZTV-Wegebau differentiates between so-called "use categories":
The requirements for the building materials as well as the execution work are defined in the ZTV-Wegebau depending on the usage category.
Use category N1
Surface pavements that can be walked on and cannot be driven on by vehicles outside of road traffic areas (e.g. terraces, garden paths, paths in the home garden area, seats in parks).

Use category N2
Surface pavements that can be driven over for vehicles with a permissible total weight of up to 3.5 t outside of road traffic areas (e.g. garage entrances, car parking spaces)

Use category N3
Road pavements like load 2, but with occasional traffic with vehicles up to 20 t permissible total weight with wheel loads ≤ 5 t outside of traffic areas (e.g. care, maintenance and rescue routes as well as fire brigade, garages and building entrances)

Our product range
Just click - more details about the respective product!
Paving Surface (plaster or slabs)
STEIN TEC® Bond Adhesive Haftfix (mandatory according to ZTV-Wegebau)
STEIN TEC® Bedding Mortar BM Gala (min. 10cm thickness)
Gravel base layer