

Contractors, products for public projects

With more than 30 years of experience, STEIN TEC® provides the complete package for the execution of paved and slabbed surfaces in bonded construction. You will obtain a durable and highly attractive covering over a long time

However, not only the final result is important for you as contractor, but also the easy workability of the mortar. Our products are specially designed with this in mind. For example, our drainage concrete can be placed with road finishers, our bedding mortars are very easy to compact and work with, and our jointing mortars are self-compacting and can even be pumped if required. 

In our current brochure you will find important information as well as illustrations to help you with the execution.

We are aware that every project has its own requirements. We provide you with understandable technical support for the application of our products and are happy to share our many years of experience with you. We are always available to answer your project-specific questions.

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Our product range

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